Acai is a delicious purple tropical berry from the amazon.
Acai: pronounced as AH-SAHEE come from the acai palm three. Is started to gain popularity worldwide thanks to it’s amazing amount of antioxidants and nutriments, is nowadays considered to be one of the most powerful and nutritious super-foods on the planet.
We use pure frozen packs of acai without any additions for our bowls, smoothies & juices! Whatever you’re looking to fuel up post workout or just grab a quick pick-me up snack. Acai is the way to go!
Our acai bowls are similar to our acai smoothie, we blend our acai with either fruits, soy or almond milk until it’s thick and frosty.
great source of protein
rich in omega 3, 6, 9
increases metabolism
high in anti-oxidants
provides energy
boosts immunity
naturally low in sugar
smooth, pleasant, super tasty
sustanibly sourced